The Horizon
All the latest updates on our work defending rural lands, creating livable cities and towns and preserving wild lands and water throughout Central Oregon
Raising the price of irrigation water should encourage conservation
To meet existing and future water needs, the Basin’s senior irrigation districts need to ramp up financial incentive programs to conserve more water, in concert with the piping of private laterals.
A Tricky Balance
The City of Bend’s new tree code took effect in August, with the aim to balance protecting more trees — especially large, mature trees — during development, without hindering the production of much-needed housing. That’s a tight needle to thread, to be sure. Striking that balance was a long, tough process - and the road ahead isn’t looking any easier. Local developers have challenged the newly adopted code.
A Win in the Ochocos
In August, the U.S. Forest Service issued its final decision regarding an important timber sale on the Ochoco National Forest — and we’re pleased to report that the Forest Service ultimately made significant improvements to the Mill Creek project, providing meaningful safeguards for forest ecosystems and the wildlife that depend upon them.
Shaping Bend’s Future
The future of Bend is happening now.
The City of Bend is beginning work that will guide our community’s growth now and for the next 20 to 50 years. LandWatch’s Cities & Towns team is and will be deeply involved with these efforts on the path ahead—and we’ll make sure our community knows the best times to make their voices heard along the way.
Move Oregon Forward
How do you get around? Be a voice for transportation choices that help Central Oregon thrive.
Forging a Lasting Connection to the Land
Central Oregon LandWatch is committed to protecting the livability of our region. When you make a legacy gift to Central Oregon LandWatch, you are helping to protect this unique region from threats like overdevelopment and habitat destruction.
What Does the Future Hold For America’s Old-Growth Forests?
LandWatch and partners across the country are calling on the Forest Service to strengthen protections for the United States’ remaining old-growth and mature forests.
Join us by adding your name to our petition today!
Safe Passages
Creating wildlife crossings is a practical, cost-effective move that is also an act of empathy that insists that animals have a right to safety, just as we humans do.
A wide-open way of life
Central Oregon’s rural lands offer iconic scenic vistas, sustain complex high desert ecosystems, and enable a thriving regional agricultural economy.
Farmers Markets in Central Oregon
When you stock up on local food, you’ll enjoy fresher, seasonal food with greater nutritional value.
Bonus: You get shorter transportation distances and a stronger local economy, too!
See it, feel it, believe it
The revitalization of the Bend Central District — affectionately known as the BCD — into a Complete Community is one of the most promising, broadly supported, and exciting efforts in the entire city. In 2024, the BCD will really start to look, feel, and function differently and we’re so here for it!
Recovering Deschutes Basin Steelhead — Part 1
The steelhead trout is one of the Pacific Northwest’s most iconic species of fish.
In this series, we’re exploring the history of steelhead in the Deschutes Basin, the impacts irrigation and development have had on this species and their habitat, the actions water managers and regulators are proposing to address threats to this species, and whether they go far enough to restore the critical habitat this iconic species needs and deserves.
Planning For More Than Piping
Addressing water shortages in the Deschutes Basin requires a comprehensive Water Management Plan that integrates infrastructure improvements and market-based incentives to efficiently allocate water for both agricultural and environmental needs.
The Deschutes Basin Water Collaborative, through the state’s Place-Based Planning process, is developing this plan to ensure balanced water distribution and overcome existing systemic issues, emphasizing the need for immediate and coordinated action.
Growing to Meet the Needs of Central Oregon
To keep pace with the rapid change in our region, expand our impact, and achieve our ambitious vision for the future, LandWatch recently welcomed new staff and added to our board of directors!
The Surprising Truth About Bike Commuting in Bend
Five cyclists with extensive experience with “practical cycling” — the kind of riding that takes us to and from schools, shops, and workplaces — share their advice for people who are curious about bike commuting in Bend.
You will find a number of low-stress routes in Bend to enjoy already, and options will improve in coming years.
The Plan | A Poem By Aimée Okotie-Oyekan
April is National Poetry Month. To celebrate, we’re highlighting a creative mind using land use, advocacy, and art to realize a more just and sustainable future.
Victory for Large Trees Affirmed
On March 29, essential protections for large trees in eastern Oregon and eastern Washington were fully reinstated!
Improve Deschutes County's Comprehensive Plan
The county’s proposed Comprehensive Plan update offers up a less-than-satisfactory framework for our future. Here’s one last chance to let County planners know what you want to see prioritized and help define a better future for Deschutes County.
Spring Birdsong in Central Oregon
Listen to some familiar melodies. While simply beautiful to our ears, birdsong has a variety of important and complex functions in communication among different species of birds.
6 Tips for Fully Immersing Yourself in the Central Oregon Springtime
A practical guide to appreciating seasonal changes, deepening your local natural history knowledge, and relishing the longer daylight hours.