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Attend an event


Sign up for one of our virtual or in-person events focused on education, advocacy, and outreach on our different initiatives for Central Oregon.



Become a member


Support LandWatch by becoming a part of our sustaining membership program.



Follow us on social media


Support us on different platforms for updates and action alerts.





Roll up your sleeves, Central Oregon. We could use an extra set of hands. Let us know if you’d like to join our volunteer list.


Share Photos

We call on the public to take action to defend our region’s water, wildlife, farms, and forests and support vibrant and sustainable cities and towns. To do that, we need photos of all things Central Oregon!




Our ambassadors share the values of LandWatch and help promote our issues and initiatives throughout Central Oregon.

If you have a passion for connecting different communities to environmental advocacy, we invite you to join our ambassadors! We’re just getting started with this program, so let us know if you are interested and we’ll keep you in the loop!