Move Oregon Forward

Join the Push for Safe, Clean, Fair, Accountable Transportation

Oregon State Legislators are coming to Central Oregon on September 12 to hear our thoughts on our local transportation needs

Getting around without always having to use a car is a special kind of freedom. 

Picture streets that kids can cross safely to school. Think about transit that gets commuters to their workplaces on time. Imagine protected paths where older adults can walk to activities and compact, well-designed communities where people using mobility devices can easily complete their errands.

Increased funding for Safe Routes to School infrastructure is a priority for the Move Oregon Forward campaign.

This summer, the Oregon State Legislature’s Joint Committee On Transportation is on a 12-stop listening tour to gather input on how to fund and invest in transportation in 2025, and they will be listening in Bend on September 12. 

As Oregon considers changing how we fund our transportation system — and what we fund — now is the time to ensure that every dollar spent delivers more equitable transportation choices for all Oregonians.

To help us make a strong case before these decision-makers, LandWatch is looking for 5 to 10 people who can provide testimony when the legistaure’s transportation committee makes its one stop in Central Oregon.  

That’s a significant ask, we know! It’s time out of your day and speaking in front of elected officials can be intimidating. On the other hand, it’s just a two-minute testimony, the only expertise or qualification you need is a passion for a climate-friendly transportation system with choices on how to get around, and we’re happy to help you prepare your talking points.

The Joint Committee on Transportation Listening Tour stop in Bend offers three participation options.

Option 1: Attend in Person

The public listening session will be held on September 12, 5:00–7:00 p.m. at OSU Cascades Campus, Ray Hall, 1500 SW Chandler Avenue, Bend, OR 97702. Arrive no later than 4:30pm to sign up for testimony.

Option 2: Attend Virtually

Virtual attendees may testify if time allows after all in-person testimony ends. Registration for virtual testimony closes at 5 pm, on Sept. 11.

Option 3: Submit Written Comment

Written comment may be submitted through 5 pm on September 15.

Why Your Voice Is Essential Now

Using your voice to advocate for sustainable transportation funding— what to spend those funds on — will make a meaningful impression on these legislators, and their decisions now will have a tremendous sway in whether and how Oregon meets our climate goals. 

Currently, most of Oregon’s transportation funds come from fuel taxes (like the gas tax) and other fees associated with driving. Because the gas tax doesn’t increase with inflation its “buying power” has declined. State transportation funds will also continue to decrease as cars become more fuel-efficient and electric.

Oregon is struggling to raise enough money to fund our transportation system and during the upcoming legislative session, the Joint Committee will determine how the state will fund transportation: from taxes, fees, or by moving money out of other programs.

As you can imagine, passing a new tax or fee is more difficult than passing other bills. These bills need a greater share of YES votes from legislators in order to pass because members of the public often oppose new taxes and fees. To overcome this challenge in 2025, legislators will need to hear, again and again, that their constituents support the parts of the 2025 bill that raise money.

If you have stories or thoughts to share with legislators about what a fair funding plan that supports a safe, clean, accountable transportation system would look like, they need to hear from you! 

We are specifically seeking to uplift the stories and priorities of Oregonians who may be transportation-disadvantaged because of their important perspective on the challenges in our system. This includes:

  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

  • Low-income people

  • Transit-dependent people

  • Non-drivers

  • Disabled people

  • Rural and coastal residents

  • Youth

  • Older adults, and

  • Others who have been less represented or more burdened by past transportation decisions.

If you share any of these experiences, we especially encourage you to make a comment and are here to support you however we can. Ready to use your voice?

Learn More About Move Oregon Forward

Central Oregon LandWatch is a member of the Move Oregon Forward campaign, which is powered by active transportation, climate, and environmental justice organizations from across the state. Our shared mission is to pass forward-thinking legislation in 2025 and beyond that helps to benefit every Oregonian in rural and urban communities. 

A selection of members of the Move Oregon Forward campaign

One of Central Oregon LandWatch’s core commitments is to create Complete Communities throughout our region and we know that safe, convenient ways to get around are at the heart of complete, healthy, climate-friendly, and thriving communities.

Each of the Move Oregon Forward campaign partners believes that Oregon deserves a fair and sustainable way to fund our transportation system. Communities across the state will suffer if we continue to operate on an increasingly tight transportation budget and make cuts to the programs and services that Oregonians rely on the most. 

A fair and sustainable funding plan should:

  • Benefit people with low or fixed incomes;

  • Encourage transportation choices that improve our climate, safety, and local economies; and

  • Use transportation funds in ways that are accountable to our statewide plans and goals.

  • Help reduce greenhouse gas emissions with clean transportation choices to reduce drive-alone trips

  • Stop the surge in traffic deaths by making main streets safe to walk, bike, and roll on.


  • We envision a transportation system that puts safety first. That means eliminating serious injuries and deaths; investing in protections for the most vulnerable road users; reducing our vehicle miles traveled (VMT), air pollution, and other hidden costs to public health; and protecting our environment now and for future generations.

    We support legislative action that prioritizes investments in safe networks for walking, biking, and rolling. This includes increased funding for jurisdictional transfer of “orphan highways” and currently oversubscribed safety and mobility programs, such as:

    • Safe Routes to School infrastructure 

    • Great Streets

    • Oregon Community Paths

  • We are committed to creating the greenest transportation system possible for Oregon. By expanding access to clean transportation options for every community and context, we will reduce our transportation system’s contribution to climate change, ease congestion, and help non-drivers stay connected—all at the same time, and leaving no one behind.

    We support legislative action that:

    • Invests in and integrates transportation, housing, and  land use planning initiatives that reduce emissions by providing compact, mixed-use neighborhoods supported by safe and accessible networks for walking, rolling, and transit 

    • Substantially expands funding for affordable, practical public transit and paratransit options across the state

    • Expands incentives and education to make ownership, sharing, charging, and use of electric micromobility and electric light/medium/heavy-duty vehicles affordable, accessible, and safe

  • We must update and diversify how we fund our transportation system as the gas tax declines and major project funding plans remain in limbo. Our funding solutions must be designed to explicitly incentivize and invest in a greener and safer transportation system, deliver real value for our dollars, and share costs equitably. 

    We support legislative action to develop and advance a revenue strategy that:

    • Right-sizes existing revenue streams and/or indexes them to inflation

    • Diversifies our revenue sources to invest in maintenance, safety, and mobility first

    • Better aligns both our future revenue and current spending with Oregon’s climate, housing, equity, employment, and transportation goals and the needs of communities statewideescription text goes here

  • We advocate for accountable and transparent institutions that involve diverse voices in decision-making at every level, where people most impacted by a decision have real power to shape it. We see a disconnect today between our institutions’ stated goals and where they actually put their money. To meet climate and safety targets, and to retain the public’s trust, Oregon must close this gap.

    We are pursuing just, equitable, and responsive transportation governance that follows through on its promises. We support legislative action to:

    • Enable the Oregon Transportation Commission to be more representative and independently staffed

    • Establish a fix-it-first policy to fund statewide maintenance and safety programs before investing in expanded roads

    • Align investments, planning, and future transportation projects with established safety, climate, and mobility goals, including appropriate Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)-reduction targets



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