
HDM Natural History Pub: Bend to Suttle Lake Wildlife Passage Initiative
At this talk hosted by the High Desert Museum, you can learn about a collaborative effort to build wildlife passage structures on Highway 20 from staff at Central Oregon LandWatch, Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Oregon State University-Cascades.

Coffee Talk with LandWatch
Have a burning land use question, want a update on LandWatch initatives, or just want to hang out? Drop by anytime from 8:30 to 10 am to chat with our staff, board, and your fellow supportors.
Coffee from Backporch Coffee Roasters provided. No need to RSVP and feel free to bring a friend!

Coffee Talk with LandWatch- Sisters Edition
Have a burning land use question, want a general update on what LandWatch is up to, or just think we are cool and want to hang? Drop by anytime from 8:30 to 10 am to chat with LandWatch staff members.
Coffee provided. No need to RSVP. Feel free to bring a friend!

Sustaining Member Drive
A fabulous extra perk available this week only when you become a Sustaining Member of LandWatch with a monthly or quarterly donation of any amount.

Coffee Talk with LandWatch
Have a burning land use question, want a general update on what LandWatch is up to, or just think we are cool and want to hang? Drop by anytime from 8:30 to 10 am to chat with Lorraine Murray from our Development Team and Lace Thornberg from our Communications Team.
Coffee from Backporch Coffee Roasters provided. No need to RSVP and feel free to bring a friend!

2025 Legislative Session Preview
State Senator Anthony Broadman and Central Oregon LandWatch staff provide an update on the 2025 Legislative session and LandWatch’s priority bills and issues.

Coffee Talk with LandWatch
Have a burning land use question, want a general update on what LandWatch is up to, or just think we are cool and want to hang?
Lorraine Murray and Kelsie Greer from our Development Team are hosting the first of what we hope to be regular community office hours for current members or anyone interested. Drop by anytime from 8:30 to 10 am to chat. Coffee from Backporch Coffee Roasters provided.

Act Local
How de we ensure a livable future for all? Act Local!
Community leaders in government, housing, transportation and more will join us to talk about ways we can make this place we call home more equitable and climate-resilient and, ultimately, livable.

Farming the High Desert
Gaze out over Central Oregon agriculture horizon with local farmers and ranchers Megan Kellner-Rode, Cate Havstad-Casad, and Sky Sharp join LandWatch’s Rural Lands Program Director Rory Isbell. You'll learn how Oregon’s land use system is key to preserving agricultural lands and water and come to see local agriculture in a new light.

A Mule Deer's Life
Take a look at life from a mule deer's perspective at this talk by Jon Nelson, Curator of Wildlife at the High Desert Museum, and Jeremy Austin, Wild Lands and Water Program Director at Central Oregon LandWatch.

Bend Together
Hosted by the Bend Central District Initiative Visionary Board and the Bend Central District Business Association, BEND TOGETHER will be a late afternoon filled with engaging connection.

Environmental journalist and author Ben Goldfarb will join us to share from his latest book, Crossings: How Road Ecology Is Shaping the Future of Our Planet, named one of the best books of 2023 by the New York Times, the New Yorker, Smithsonian and others.

Riverside Revelry
What could be better than a late summer evening along the banks of the Deschutes River?
Join LandWatch members and friends for a celebration of recent accomplishments and a peek into what’s on the horizon.

Crown Jewels 🌲 The Mission To Save America's Oldest Trees
“Crown Jewels” documents a year-long journey through some of the last ancient forests on US public lands. Through local advocates and grassroots storytelling, the film makes a case for protecting mature and old-growth forests across the federal estate and shows how the audience can help.

Tree-Mendous Victory Party 🌲
Tree people, unite!
Come celebrate a momentous legal victory that preserved large and mature trees across 7 million acres of Oregon's and Washington’s eastside forests! Enjoy live reggae from Rubbah Tree and tree-themed activations throughout the space.
Hosted by Worthy Brewing, featuring activities from Central Oregon LandWatch, Crag Law Center, Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Greater Hells Canyon Council, Oregon Wild, Sierra Club Juniper Group, and WildEarth Guardians.

Hosted by The Father’s Group, the 4th Annual Juneteenth Central Oregon celebration will take place June 15 -16, 2024.
Rooted in education, entertainment, and fostering a vibrant and safe environment for the community, this year’s theme, “Jubilee,” marks a joyous celebration of the emancipation of African Americans. Joined by the African and Caribbean Community, this two-day event will provide an immersive experience filled with authentic African, Caribbean, and African American cuisine, art, music, and education. Embrace the cultural tapestry through enlightening educational activities, captivating entertainment, and a shared culinary journey that celebrates the diverse heritage of these communities.
Stop by the Central Oregon LandWatch booth to say hello, support our efforts and take part in fun activities!
Learn more about the celebration: www.juneteenthcentralor.com

Spring Mixer
As a nonprofit organization, Central Oregon LandWatch is sustained by the generosity of our members.
At our Spring Mixer - a special event just for current LandWatch members - we’ll share an update on our recent accomplishments and priority efforts and appreciate our donors for the support that makes all the results possible.
Enjoy tacos and a variety of sparkling beverages as you mingle with fellow LandWatch members and ask our staff all your burning questions.

*Livestream* Building a Better Bend 2024 Lecture Series | Part 1: "Homelessness is a Housing Problem"
LandWatch is once again proud to sponsor the Building a Better Bend Lecture Series. Over the coming months, the 2024 series will take a deep dive into the future of housing in Central Oregon.
The first installment, “Homelessness is a Housing Problem,” aims to challenge assumptions that homelessness is a personal problem instead of a structural one.
UPDATE: In-person attendance has sold out thanks to strong community interest, but you can still tune in to the live stream at 7 pm via the link below.
Earth Day Fair & Parade
Hosted by The Environmental Center, the Earth Day Fair & Parade is a family-friendly annual event.
The day starts with a lively and inclusive parade through downtown Bend, where folks are encouraged to wear costumes to showcase their favorite thing about planet Earth. During the Earth Day Fair, food vendors, booths, and performers offer something earth-friendly for everyone.
Stop by the Central Oregon LandWatch booth to say hello, support our efforts and take part in fun activities!

Beyond the beyond: Preparing Bend for a wild future
Part 3 of Building A Better Bend’s Land Use Series. How will our lives and our city be changed by a warming climate, population growth, less water, and hotter summers? And how can we effectively plan to keep and maintain our region's beauty and quality of life?

Safe Streets for All People
We’re proud to be collaborating with our partners at Bend Bikes, City of Bend, Bend MPO, and The LPS Family Fund to bring you Safe Streets for All People – a two-day workshop exploring ways to better incorporate walking, biking, and rolling in Bend’s transportation systems.

Abundant Oregon: Celebrating 50 Years
Join us as we celebrate 50 years of Oregon’s revolutionary land use planning system, and discover how it empowers us to face the current challenges of our time – from addressing the climate crisis to wildfire safety, water security, wildlife habitat, and more.
Featuring live music from Joel Chadd and his band, goods and bites from regional producers, local makers, artists, vendors, and community organizations.
Everyone is welcome - just be sure to register by clicking here

50th Anniversary of Senate Bill 100
Oregon’s land use planning system is 50 years old this spring. The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCD) which was created by Senate Bill 100 in 1973 to govern the new system is holding a celebration on Wednesday, May 24, noon-2 p.m., at the Capitol Mall Parking Structure in Salem, OR.
The free event will feature guest speakers, music, and an Oregon marketplace. Cake and refreshments will be served.

Building A Better Bend Land Use Series: What will Bend be like for our kids over the next 50 years?
Imagine Bend in the year 2048. What will life be like? Like we did 50 years ago, Oregon is again taking bold new action on growth laws aimed at building sustainable, resilient, and equitable cities. Learn more about our speakers...
Admission is free, but pre-registration is required due to space constraints. Register by clicking here.

Building A Better Bend Land Use Series: How did Oregon get so unique? The last 50 years
Part 1 of a 3-part lecture series looking back on Oregon’s renowned Land Use Planning System. How did Oregon end up with these land use policies and what bold new laws are coming our way again. What does this mean for our great state, our beautiful city, and our quality of life?

Civic Conversations for a Sustainable Future: An Oregon Legislative Event
Join Central Oregon LandWatch for an evening of meaningful conversation and knowledge-sharing with your local legislators in this virtual event. Learn about what’s in the works at the Oregon State Capitol during the 2023 Legislative Session, and have the opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts on important issues affecting our community.
We’ll cover key topics - including housing, water, and wildlife habitat - as we work towards a more sustainable future. We'll be joined by Rep. Jason Kropf (House District 54) and Rep. Emerson Levy (House District 53).
As an environmental and land use non-profit, Central Oregon LandWatch is dedicated to bringing community members and elected officials together for meaningful dialogue and action. Don't miss this chance to engage and make an impact, as we’ll be calling on you this session to take action!

BC⚡DC | Bend Central District Celebration
Join us at Open Space Event Studios to explore and celebrate the Bend Central District!
Learn about what’s up and coming for the vibrant heart of the city - from safer bike paths to bustling new businesses and more housing options - and how you can be a part of it.
Get to know more about LandWatch’s Cities & Towns Program and how we're working to deliver Complete Communities to Bend and Central Oregon.
We’ll hear from Bend Mayor Melanie Kebler on exciting moves in the BCD for the next year and how the community can be involved.
We’ll also hear from local folks with local businesses - Somewhere that’s Green, Oregon Spirit Distillers, and Open Space Studios - all about what’s on the horizon.
Enjoy food from local favorites El Taquero and Colima Market, drinks from Oregon Spirit Distillers and Humm Kombucha, and verdant decor courtesy of Somewhere That’s Green. We'll be spinning vinyl records from Big Story Bookstore throughout the evening.
All are welcome - Click here to register.

Elemental Film Screening at the Tower Theatre
On Friday, November 11, LandWatch will be hosting a film screening of the newly released documentary film Elemental on wildfire in the West. View the trailer
Purchase your ticket(s) through the Tower Theatre here.

LandWatch Backyard BBQ
Let’s get together and enjoy the beauty of Central Oregon! Join the LandWatch community for a backyard BBQ. This event is open to all, but spots are limited, so let us know you are coming! Click here to RSVP

2022 Land Use Leadership Initiative
This fall, Central Oregon LandWatch is working with 1000 Friends of Oregon to host the Land Use Leadership Initiative (LULI). This program trains emerging community leaders on Oregon’s land use system and how it shapes the most pressing issues, and this year’s program focuses on local issues right here in Central Oregon.
The 2022 LULI Program will consist of nine training sessions from October through March all across the region, from Prineville to Bend. Topics include land use, housing, water, urban growth boundaries, transportation, wildfire, and more. Join us for this amazing training opportunity!

Save Skyline Forest IPA Release Party
Dance. Drink. Protect. Repeat. Join us at Worthy Brewing for an evening of live music and drinks with a purpose. Worthy Brewing is releasing a limited-edition beer for this event and to celebrate the grassroots efforts to Save Skyline Forest. The Save Skyline Forest Pine Ale will be available on tap and is a great way to support local efforts to conserve this 50-square-mile landscape. This event is free and open to all. Click here and register to attend.

LandWatch Meet & Greet in Portland
Central Oregon LandWatch invites you to join us for an evening of food and drinks in Portland.
Come celebrate 50 years of Oregon's visionary land use system with an evening of food, drinks, and conversation. Learn about LandWatch's work to uphold land use protections for farmland, wildlife habitat, and the open landscapes in Central Oregon and beyond. Join us to discuss what the next 50 years might hold for Oregon. We look forward to seeing you!
RSVP is required here.