First and foremost, thank you! The fact that you’ve found your way to this page means you are willing to speak up about the land use issues that are so key to the livability we enjoy in Central Oregon. At Central Oregon LandWatch, we value your time, your opinion, and your input. We aim is to make it simple for you to make your voice heard.
Your action today is a meaningful step toward preserving the natural richness that Central Oregonians cherish.
Attend An Online Open House or Take a Survey
Weighing in when asked to provide input is a great way to contribute to intentional growth and planning.
Pro Tip: Chiming in when you like something is just as important as speaking up when you don’t like something!
Attend a Public Meeting or Hearing
During any given month, there are many events hosted by the cities and counties in Central Oregon where public input is gathered. We’ll keep this page updated with the meetings and hearing most directly related to LandWatch’s work. Make it a part of your regular routine to look for topic of interest to you.
Central Oregon LandWatch tracks bills and policies that concern land use, rural lands, urban form, housing, wildfire policy, water issues, and wildlife. We alert our community when testimony from the public can help shape these bills of interest and make them as strong and effective as possible.
You don’t have to be an expert in a topic to provide testimony. You just need a strong interest in land use.
Let us know that you're interested and we'll contact you when opportunities to provide testimony arise.
Share With Your Community
Sharing an action alert, post or story from Central Oregon LandWatch is a great way to introduce your friends and family and your social circle to important issues that may be of interest to them. By sharing our stories, you’re helping to broaden our network of land use advocates. You are also helping to ensure that more people have a say in guiding development where it belongs and protecting the land and water that sustains our communities and ecosystems.