The Horizon
All the latest updates on our work defending rural lands, creating livable cities and towns and preserving wild lands and water throughout Central Oregon
Celebrating a huge win for the BCD Initiative!
After more than a decade of city planning and over two and a half years of community organizing, the vision for a vibrant, healthy, and inclusive Bend Central District is within reach!
Here’s why we support passing Bend’s Transportation Bond
The Central Oregon Conservation Network – a group of 12 environmental advocacy organizations that work in our region – recently decided to support a GO Bond that will be on the ballot in May because it will diversify Bend’s transportation network.
ACTION ALERT! 🚨Funding for Parkway Crossings Slashed in Half🚨
The City of Bend is in the process of determining what projects would be funded through a potential transportation bond measure, and they are proposing to slash funding for Midtown Pedestrian Crossings in half from the initial recommendation.
City appoints BURA Committee & Other Big News for the BCD
As the City of Bend moves forward with its “Core Area" Planning, we are preparing for the next steps in engaging the community to advocate for a vibrant, healthy, and resilient mixed-use neighborhood through the BCD Initiative
What's Shaping the Bend Central District
As people continue to move here, the Bend Central District is our best hope for Central Oregon to grow into a place we want to keep calling home.
ACTION ALERT: Protect Tumalo Falls!
The City of Bend has applied to continue using its archaic and imprecise method of diverting water from the source spring. With climate change, receding snow packs and glaciers will impact the springs meaning less and less water will flow over Tumalo Falls in the future.
Speak on transportation in Bend!
The City of Bend is requesting public input as they plan their next Transportation System Plan. The Plan will be the guiding document for transportation in Bend over the next 20 years.
Projects to improve BCD could also save millions in infrastructure costs
The Franklin underpass is a key connection between east and west Bend, but it suffers from flooding during high volume rainstorms. The BCD Initiative's Streetscapes Committee made recommendations for improving streetscapes and saving the city money on planned infrastructure projects. The Bulletin reported on these recommendations when the underpass flooded on May 28, 2018.
City Council Directs Urban Renewal in Bend Central District+ 🎉!
This is a big step toward the BCD's transformation into a healthy, vibrant, and resilient mixed use neighborhood with safe connections between east and west
Guest column: The truth matters on Tumalo Creek
A recent bombastic opinion column by Victor Chudowsky muddies the water on Tumalo Creek and needs correction.
Finding the balance between protecting neighborhoods and managing growth
Central Oregon LandWatch recognizes the urgent need to increase housing choices for people across the income spectrum. We also believe that existing Bend residents should be considered in the planning process as much as developers and potential new residents.
Watch LandWatch Staff Members Discuss Bend's UGB
Watch What's Brewing and Supper Club discussions.
Bend’s Urban Growth Boundary Approved by State Agency
UGB Plan Accepted by DLCD Now Ready for Implementation