Broad Coalition Recommends Urban Renewal to Revitalize the Heart of Bend
Twenty-seven groups including businesses, neighborhoods, affordable housing and other nonprofits, volunteer technical experts, landowners, and developers sent a letter to the City Council recommending creating an urban renewal area in the Bend Central District and nearby KorPine opportunity site. Read their recommendation letter here.
Upcoming Decision Points
The letter helps set the stage for next Wednesday, March 21st, when the Bend City Council will be discussing where to focus planning efforts to implement the expansion areas and opportunity sites identified by the 2016 Urban Growth Boundary planning process. These next few meetings will be critical decision points for the future of the Bend Central District.
Council Work Session on Feasibility Studies
Wednesday, March 21st 2:30pm - 6:30pm
City Council Chambers, 710 NW Wall Street
*this meeting is informational only and there will be no option for public comment. Stay tuned for public input dates.
Revitalizing the heart of Bend will create capacity for new housing and jobs within the core of the city and improve connections for existing residents.
The Franklin underpass can be dark, dank and dangerous. This visualization of concepts for improving the approach was created by Vallier Design Associates, Inc as a volunteer project for the BCD Initiative and is an example of the types of civic projects urban renewal can accomplish.