Celebrating a huge win for the BCD Initiative!
After more than a decade of city planning and over two and a half years of community organizing, the vision for a vibrant, healthy, and inclusive Bend Central District is within reach!
The Bend City Council voted 6-1 (Councilor Moseley dissenting) to create an urban renewal area to use Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to fund the projects and programs called for in the Core Area Plan. More than 100 people weighed in to support the BCD vision - with diverse perspectives ranging from the Council on Aging's call for age-friendly cities to the Bend Chamber of Commerce's support for more housing for employees in the area. View public comments.
Thank you for everything you have done all of the many weeks that led up to this exciting win. We couldn't have done it without your support. Let's show the Councilors who supported the BCD vision that we appreciate their vote for a vibrant, sustainable future in the heart of Bend.
Rendering of the type of built environment this decision will make possible.
Now, Central Oregon LandWatch has our work cut out for us. We must continue facilitating community leadership and advocate for an implementation process that leads to a more equitable City as the BCD is revitalized.
Celebrate this success with us by supporting LandWatch's work to build healthy communities for Central Oregon's future.