The Horizon
All the latest updates on our work defending rural lands, creating livable cities and towns and preserving wild lands and water throughout Central Oregon
Guest column: Who should pay for irrigation canal piping?
Local angler and blogger, Yancy Lind weighs the costs and benefits of asking the public to fund piping of Tumalo Irrigation District's canals in this Guest Column that was published in The Bulletin on May 15, 2018.
Guest column: The truth matters on Tumalo Creek
A recent bombastic opinion column by Victor Chudowsky muddies the water on Tumalo Creek and needs correction.
Letter: Thanks for Land Use Planning
Perhaps one reason people continue to move to Oregon is because our state is still beautiful, with dedicated farmland and many public recreation areas.
Letter: Don't let traffic choke Bend
Check out this great In My View piece that was published in The Bulletin earlier this year. Traffic is increasing in Bend and there are many well-documented ways to decrease traffic congestion, including using land use as a transportation solution.
Letter: A better plan for Deschutes River flows
Making a judge decide what is right and wrong for the river is not fair to her; the different government agencies need to do their mandated jobs.
Letter: Watch out for deer and elk
For generations mule deer have come to Bend and surroundings this time of year to birth their young and to raise them for six months, until they are ready to travel the hundred miles or so to their wintering grounds east of here. Little do they know this is no longer safe for them.
Letter: It’s time to save the Upper Deschutes
Once home to some of North America’s finest trout fishing, the Upper Deschutes is now treated with little more consideration than an irrigation ditch.
Land Use Planning Can Reduce Wildfire Threat
The 2015 fire season was worse than any on record, and summertime temperatures are steadily escalating.
Letter: Restore the Deschutes River to its Natural Flow
he Deschutes River is many things: it's home to fish and wildlife, it drives our economy, it's the source of water for agriculture, it's a place for recreation..