The Horizon
All the latest updates on our work defending rural lands, creating livable cities and towns and preserving wild lands and water throughout Central Oregon
Crypto, data centers, and the fight for Oregon’s farm fields
When a data center came knocking, Christmas Valley farmers weren’t interested. Read on for the backstory on a significant win for Christmas Valley and Lake County, and an update on an ongoing challenge to preserve agricultural land in Jefferson County.
Farmers Markets in Central Oregon
When you stock up on local food, you’ll enjoy fresher, seasonal food with greater nutritional value.
Bonus: You get shorter transportation distances and a stronger local economy, too!
Good News for Central Oregon Agriculture and Wildlife Habitat!
Once again, our visionary statewide land use planning program has helped us push back against development pressure to protect our most valuable natural resources for now and future generations.
Irrigation Districts and the Deschutes River
The time has come to put real collaborative and effective water conservation approaches to work. Otherwise, threatened fish and wildlife in the Deschutes basin will be blamed for our water woes when the solution to the problem has been in the hands of the irrigators all along.
Farm and Forest land protections threatened in Crook and Jefferson Counties
Through an innocent-sounding “update” to County-wide codes in both Crook County and Jefferson County, longstanding protections for farm and forest lands could be weakened. Both counties are considering the adoption of new “model codes” that would significantly replace the counties’ existing EFU and Forest zoning codes.
ANNOUNCING - Our Last Crop
From the iconic landscape to delicious local food, from our thriving rural communities to important wildlife habitat--agricultural land, also called "resource land", is part of our way of life.
Jefferson County Agricultural Protections Upheld
LandWatch has fought for the preservation of agricultural land in Central Oregon for years, and this month we are happy to be able to tell you that we succeeded in a recent case to maintain protections for farm and ranch land in Jefferson County!
Preserving Open Space in Central Oregon
Preserving land that could be used for agriculture is at the heart of Oregon’s visionary land use laws. By containing most residential development inside cities and preserving agricultural land in the rural county, we can ensure that our urban areas are vibrant and equitable while our rural areas are preserved in trust for future generations.
How we are helping Jefferson County farming families
Agriculture is an important part of Central Oregon’s cultural heritage and supports a resilient local food system. Farm and ranch land has remained available for family farmers in Central Oregon because of protections put in place by our statewide land use planning system.
Do you value Central Oregon's agricultural lands?
The process to reevaluate agricultural lands threatens to classify them as “non-resource”, and prioritize them for development.
New Study: Unequal Water Allocations on Upper Deschutes Waste Water, Promote Inefficiency
A new study, released May 10, 2017, finds that when it comes to allocating water from the Upper Deschutes River for irrigation purposes, less is more.
Speak up for rural quality of life at Deschutes County Meetings
Ever wonder why it's so easy to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city to explore the peaceful mountains, high desert, and farm and range land around Central Oregon?
Letter: Thanks for Land Use Planning
Perhaps one reason people continue to move to Oregon is because our state is still beautiful, with dedicated farmland and many public recreation areas.
Action Alert: Stop HB4079 From Eroding Our Quality of Life
Currently, a bill is moving quickly through the Oregon State Legislature that threatens our quality of life under the guise of providing affordable housing.
Win for LandWatch and for Oregon's Land Use System
Wednesday, Central Oregon LandWatch persevered against an attempt to erode protections for farmland with a favorable decision from the Oregon Court of Appeals.