The Horizon
All the latest updates on our work defending rural lands, creating livable cities and towns and preserving wild lands and water throughout Central Oregon
A Tricky Balance
The City of Bend’s new tree code took effect in August, with the aim to balance protecting more trees — especially large, mature trees — during development, without hindering the production of much-needed housing. That’s a tight needle to thread, to be sure. Striking that balance was a long, tough process - and the road ahead isn’t looking any easier. Local developers have challenged the newly adopted code.
$25 million and a plan to keep nature nearby
A vision for a safe and accessible way to cross east and west Bend has been years in the making. And we’ve got big news!
Building a Better Bend
There are times when taking action truly helps bring about the future we want to see. Right now, there are two opportunities to do just that for Bend.
Do you want a longer commute?
We need to plan ahead so that together, our land uses and transportation system can reduce the average number of miles we all have to travel to get to where we want to go.
Speak on transportation in Bend!
The City of Bend is requesting public input as they plan their next Transportation System Plan. The Plan will be the guiding document for transportation in Bend over the next 20 years.
City Council Directs Urban Renewal in Bend Central District+ 🎉!
This is a big step toward the BCD's transformation into a healthy, vibrant, and resilient mixed use neighborhood with safe connections between east and west
The BCD Initiative's Top Three Moments of 2017
This spring, we launched the BCD Initiative to build momentum and support for the Bend Central District's transformation into a vibrant, healthy, and resilient mixed-use neighborhood with safe connections between east and west Bend.
Guest column: The truth matters on Tumalo Creek
A recent bombastic opinion column by Victor Chudowsky muddies the water on Tumalo Creek and needs correction.
Who should apologize for expensive and harmful Tumalo Creek project?
Tumalo Creek provides a peaceful refuge, outdoor recreation opportunities and crystal-clear cold water to the Middle Deschutes River. Although it is known as one of Central Oregon’s iconic gems, the Bend City Council voted to build a $60+ million water project to take more water from the creek.
Announcing our initiative to encourage mixed-use development in Bend’s Central District
We are following up on our successful in the Bend Urban Growth Boundary planning process by advocating for the “BCD Initiative” to implement a key component of that Plan. The BCD Initiative will be featured at City Club of Central Oregon’s forum, “Bend’s Central District: What Will Future Urban Density Look Like in the Center of Our City?” on Thursday, August 17th, 2017.
Finding the balance between protecting neighborhoods and managing growth
Central Oregon LandWatch recognizes the urgent need to increase housing choices for people across the income spectrum. We also believe that existing Bend residents should be considered in the planning process as much as developers and potential new residents.
Watch LandWatch Staff Members Discuss Bend's UGB
Watch What's Brewing and Supper Club discussions.
Today's the day: Bend's UGB goes into effect
Bend's new Urban Growth Boundary has been acknowledged by the Department of Land Conservation and Development in record time and goes into effect today.
View LandWatch's written comments in support of Bend's 2016 UGB Proposal
View LandWatch's comments on Bend's UGB proposal
Support a Well-Planned at the UGB Hearing Thursday, August 25th, 2016
Well-informed citizens know that whether the city grows in population or not, we will only maintain our quality of life if we plan for the future thoughtfully.
Breaking News: UGB Proposal Approved by Steering Committee
This afternoon the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Steering Committee, which consists of the Bend City Council and representatives from the Bend Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners, approved a package of recommendations for Bend’s UGB expansion and associated growth management policies.
Bend's Boundary Taking Shape
Yesterday afternoon, the group of public officials guiding the Urban Growth Boundary process voted unanimously to approve the initial map for Bend's boundary expansion.