Bend's Future: a UGB Proposal we can get Behind
Planning the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) is a public process that will determine what kind of city Bend will become. In 2009, Central Oregon LandWatch and a host of other groups and individuals challenged the City’s first UGB proposal, which would have expanded the boundary by 40%, sprawling the city out into our peaceful rural surroundings.
This time, LandWatch has been at the table advocating for a limited expansion to prevent urban sprawl, protect wildlife habitat, encourage cost-effective growth, and foster affordable housing.
On Thursday, April 21st at 1pm, the UGB Steering Committee will meet to review the almost final UGB plan (view the map here).
Attend the meeting to support adopting the proposal as is because it:
- Reduces urban sprawl by 75% compared with the city’s original UGB proposal.
- Utilizes a transect approach, which addresses wildlife, wildfire, and transportation concerns, where the city abuts permanent natural areas (read more here).
- Diversifies the housing mix so that residents will have a variety of housing options beyond simply single-family homes on large lots.
- Uses Bend’s existing urban land wisely, with infill and redevelopment focused in key opportunity areas. This reduces the need for large infrastructure costs to serve new developments.
- Creates new walkable, mixed use and complete communities while also complementing existing communities in Bend.
- Meets state requirements so that our city can move forward with a clear plan for well-designed growth.
UGB Steering Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 21st
1:00pm to 4:30pm
Barnes and Sawyer Room, Deschutes County Services Building
1300 NW Wall St.
Bend, OR 97701
Can't make the meeting? Email the Steering Committee:
Nathan Boddie
Barb Campbell
Victor Chudowsky
Jim Clinton
Doug Knight
Casey Roats
Sally Russell
Tony DeBone
Bill Wagner
Rex Wolf