Everyone deserves access to convenient and safe ways to get around that don’t always require a car.
We’re proud to be collaborating with our partners at Bend Bikes, City of Bend, Bend MPO, and The LPS Family Fund to bring you Safe Streets for All People – a two-day workshop exploring ways to better incorporate walking, biking, and rolling in Bend’s transportation systems.
Come hear what our local transportation planners learn from Dutch cycling and infrastructure expert, Sjors Van Duren, about making Bend a more equitable and livable community.
Creating more walkable, bikeable, and rollable transportation options that make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to get around is essential for building Complete Communities.
Delivering Complete Communities to Central Oregon is exactly what LandWatch’s Cities and Towns Program is here to do.
Doors open at 5:30pm. No RSVP needed. Seating is first come, first served and light refreshments will be provided.
Bend Bikes will also be hosting two casual Ride and Learn bike rides to keep the conversation going on the evenings of July 31 and August 1.