The Horizon
All the latest updates on our work defending rural lands, creating livable cities and towns and preserving wild lands and water throughout Central Oregon
Letter: Thanks for Land Use Planning
Perhaps one reason people continue to move to Oregon is because our state is still beautiful, with dedicated farmland and many public recreation areas.
You're Invited to the RedTail Banquet
Enjoy a sunset dinner, drinks, and a raffle to benefit Central Oregon's forests and high desert, rivers and springs, wildlife habitat, and well-designed communities.
Draining Oregon - A look into Oregon's underground reservoirs
Are we running out of groundwater? The Oregonian/Oregon Live found that permits to pump groundwater are given out despite the fact that the state doesn't know how much water is actually available.
How "Missing Middle" housing can provide affordable housing at market rates
Bend is experiencing a severe affordable housing crisis. The city's proposed Urban Growth Boundary increases the diversity of housing choices that people are allowed to build, which could help boost our "missing middle" housing supply.
View LandWatch's written comments in support of Bend's 2016 UGB Proposal
View LandWatch's comments on Bend's UGB proposal
Support a Well-Planned at the UGB Hearing Thursday, August 25th, 2016
Well-informed citizens know that whether the city grows in population or not, we will only maintain our quality of life if we plan for the future thoughtfully.
Summer 2016 Hike Series: Alder Springs
Walk down into the scenic lower Whychus Creek Canyon to Alder Springs and then on to the confluence of the creek with the thundering Deschutes River below a towering wedge of rimrock on this premier Central Oregon hike.
Letter: Don't let traffic choke Bend
Check out this great In My View piece that was published in The Bulletin earlier this year. Traffic is increasing in Bend and there are many well-documented ways to decrease traffic congestion, including using land use as a transportation solution.
Shaping Our City II: A Closer Look at Bend's UGB Proposal
On August 9th and August 17th we will be giving an update on Bend's UGB proposal.
Event: Speak up for the Deschutes River!
Hosted by the Bend Youth Brigade Paddle Team, this event is for people - especially young people - who love to kayak, SUP, raft, or float on the river and want to do their part to help its recovery.
Summer 2016 Hike Series: Lookout Mountain
This will be a beautiful hike with scenic views of Big Summit Prairie and stunning views of the Cascades.
Summer 2016 Hike Series: Big Tree and Dead Slough Hike
Sign up to hike with us Sunday, June 12th, 2016.
Learn more about Peck's milkvetch - Tumalo's rare plant species
The population on the Bull Flat wildlife area is important not only because it is rare but also because it has been extensively studied over several decades.
The Disappearing West
A new report shows the extreme rate at which we are losing natural areas to development in the American West.