The Horizon
All the latest updates on our work defending rural lands, creating livable cities and towns and preserving wild lands and water throughout Central Oregon
How big trees can help fight climate change
If left to age, the mature, large trees in Oregon’s eastern forests can play a big role in combating climate change. In a study on national forest land in Oregon’s forests east of the Cascade Range, large-diameter trees accounted for only 3% of trees but stored 42% of the total above-ground carbon.
Let’s not lose another big tree
What happened along Phil’s trail should never happen again in Oregon’s national forests. Despite the public outcry and demands to leave these big trees standing, the marked trees were logged last week. Like you, we are devastated by this news.
Commercial logging on Phil’s Trail?
Why are the biggest, oldest trees marked for removal in the Deschutes National Forest?
Defending Habitat in Deschutes National Forest
Two recently released forest service project plans have caught our eye. The Green Ridge Project and the Klone Management Project both seek to weaken protections for mule deer habitat by reducing deer hiding coverage below 30%.
Another logging project in the Metolius?
We began monitoring the Green Ridge Project near the Metolius Basin in 2017. Now, the current plan preferred by the Sisters’ Ranger District would impact 19,991 acres with thinning and logging throughout the entire project landscape. Take action for the forest today!
Podcast Episode with Dirty FreeHub
Listen to Dirty Freehub's recent podcast episode to hear more about LandWatch's work in the Ochocos. In this episode, Rory Isbell discusses the importance of migration corridors and riparian areas for Redband Trout and elk, along with our recent victory to protect wildlife habitat in the Ochoco National Forest.
Living alongside wildfire
In September of 2020, we watched wildfires ignite across Oregon in one of the most devastating fire seasons on record. How can we plan for a safer future in our fire-adapted landscape?
Fighting a federal rollback of forest protections
This past January, just days before the inauguration of President Biden, a President Trump political appointee in Washington D.C. signed a last-minute decision to roll back protections for big trees on six National Forests in Central and Eastern Oregon.
Press Release: Victory in the Ochoco National Forest!
On Monday, June 14, a settlement was reached between Central Oregon LandWatch, Oregon Wild, and the U.S. Forest Service to exclude sensitive riparian habitat from a proposed logging project in the Ochoco National Forest.
Oregon’s Big Trees Still Need Your Voice
After 25 years of protection from logging, big trees on our public lands are once again threatened. The biggest trees make up only 3% of our forests. We should be protecting them, not cutting them down.