Crossing Trails: Another destination resort in Crook County?
A map of the area around the proposed resort near Powell Butte and Prineville, OR.
Take action on July 27
Crossing Trails, a proposed destination resort in Crook County near Powell Butte, has begun making waves in the local community. Many neighbors are concerned over the impacts that 750 houses would bring to the Powell Butte farming community, including increased groundwater use.
LandWatch is concerned about the impacts this resort would have on the rural agricultural community of Powell Butte. On Wednesday, July 27, the Crook County Planning Commission will hold an initial hearing over the proposed development, open to the public for in-person or virtual participation. Another hearing is planned for September.
Crook County outline, U.S. Drought Monitor updated July 14 2022.
Concerns for natural resources in Crook County
LandWatch is concerned about the impacts this resort would have on the rural agricultural community of Powell Butte.
With the ongoing drought, new groundwater use could injure neighboring wells and farms. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, Crook County faces the worst water conditions across the state, with much of the county currently under “Exceptional Drought” conditions.
Right now, there is a chance for the public to weigh in on this resort proposal.
Take action
Write in
Written testimony and comments may be submitted to the Crook County Community Development Department. You can submit a comment by email at or by mail to 300 NE 3rd St, Room 12, Prineville, OR 97754. Make sure to include the file number - 217-22-000082-PLNG - in your comments.
Attend the hearing
An initial public hearing will be held on July 27th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Crook County Fairgrounds (Carey Foster Hall, 1280 Main in Prineville, OR). This hearing is open to all individuals (registration is not required) for in-person or virtual attendance.
This initial public hearing will be continued sometime in September, giving the public another opportunity to comment. Watch for another alert from LandWatch.
Crooked River Wetlands near Prineville: Steve Tognoli
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