The future of Bend’s transportation system is in your hands
With a new transportation plan in place and the prospect of money to fund it with, the future of transportation in Bend is bright.
Recently, the City of Bend approved a new Transportation System Plan (TSP). This plan serves as the guiding document for Bend’s transportation projects over the next 20 years and it marks a significant shift away from car-centric design that perpetuates sprawl.
Unlike the old plan that called for the City to allocate less than one-half of one percent of all transportation spending on bicycle, pedestrian, and accessibility projects, the new plan calls for the largest investment in walking and biking infrastructure in Bend's history.
LandWatch’s policy experts and advocates engaged in the City of Bend’s transportation planning process for the last two years. Each step of the way, we participated in meetings, analyzed policy proposals, advocated for outcomes that provide transportation choices, and called on you to make your voice heard when it was needed most.
That hard work paid off! The newly adopted Transportation System Plan:
prioritizes investments in walking, biking, and transit networks;
is safe and healthy for Central Oregon’s residents and environment;
improves equity by better serving low-income, minority, disabled and other underserved populations;
makes affordable transportation investments that are right-sized for our community
City of Bend rendering of the future of the Bend Central District
While the new TSP provides a framework for a vastly improved transportation network in Bend, it can only work for us if it gets funded. That’s why we are asking you to Vote yes on Measure 9-135, the GO Bend Transportation Bond.
Now real investments in transportation options will make neighborhoods like the Bend Central District possible. Making these improvements to our transportation system now will shape future growth throughout Central Oregon and contribute to a better future.
Please Vote yes on Measure 9-135, the GO Bend Transportation Bond.
2040 TSP includes:
A new transportation equity program. YES.
Double the percentage of trips taken by walking, biking, and riding transit. YES.
Build 12 new key routes for safe walking and biking across town by 2030. MOSTLY. The final TSP says "All 12 Key Routes complete or in progress by 2030."
A pedestrian network master plan. YES.
No increase in vehicle miles traveled per capita. YES.
No deaths and a 50% reduction in serious injuries on our roadways. YES.
A new speed monitoring program. YES.
Reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions by 29%. YES. But actually they rounded up to 30%!
Timeline of COLW advocacy:
June 19, 2018: Speak on transportation in Bend!
October 2, 2018: Do you want a longer commute?
January 15, 2019: Action Alert! Important Neighborhood Meetings for Bend's Transportation Future
February 19, 2019: Transportation System Plan Update & BCD Visionary Board Applications
May 15, 2019: This Sneaky Factor Leads to Urban Sprawl — Central Oregon LandWatch
June 18, 2019: Action Alert! Bend's Transportation Future! — Central Oregon LandWatch
December 4, 2019: ACTION ALERT! 🚨Funding for Parkway Crossings Slashed in Half
March 3, 2020: Here's why we support passing Bend's Transportation Bond
June 15, 2020: Thank you Citywide Transportation Advisory Committee! — Central Oregon LandWatch
July 9, 2020: ADVOCACY: Take action to ensure equitable transportation in Bend
September 4, 2020: A Win for Bend's Transportation Future! — Central Oregon LandWatch