ACTION ALERT: Support Oregon's proposed ban on tree-killing herbicide

We’ve written you several times before about the tragic loss of old-growth ponderosa pine trees near Sisters.  The cause of that tree kill along scenic Highway 20, as well as tree kills in Sunriver, Newberry Volcanic National Monument, and the Ochoco National Forest, is a harmful herbicide called Perspective.  The active ingredient in Perspective is Aminocyclopyrachlor (ACP), which is produced by Bayer, the huge agrochemical company that recently bought Monsanto.

Because of the irresponsible and destructive use of Bayer’s herbicide along Oregon’s roads and highways, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) recently proposed new rules to ban ACP along public right of ways, in wildlife management areas, and other sensitive habitats.  The rules would have gone into effect on March 22, 2019.  But at the last minute, Bayer sent a letter to ODA requesting an extension.  The public comment period is now extended until this Friday, April 5.

One of more than 2,000 dead ponderosa pine trees along Highway 20 near Sisters.

One of more than 2,000 dead ponderosa pine trees along Highway 20 near Sisters.

That’s why we want you to send comments to ODA telling them to carry forward with their rules to ban ACP. Email your comments to by April 5. We suggest the following points:

  • ACP has a proven history of killing native trees in Oregon. I support ODA’s rules banning ACP in order to prevent more unnecessary harm to our trees.

  • Bayer’s interest is in selling its harmful herbicide, and not in protecting Oregon’s people, watersheds, flora, and fauna.  ODA should take action to protect our state, and not to protect Bayer’s financial interest.

  • Just like the rest of the public, Bayer had ample opportunity to comment on ODA’s rulemaking, and shouldn’t be given special treatment now by further postponing or altering ODA’s proposed rules.

  • In addition to ODA’s proposed ban on ACP along right-of-ways, in wildlife management areas, and other sensitive habitats, I suggest the new rules go further by extending the ban on using ACP to include all public lands, and all lands planned and zoned Forest or Agriculture throughout Oregon.

LandWatch urges you to tell ODA not to cave to Bayer, and to take action in the interest of Oregonians and our natural resources by adopting strong rules to regulate ACP.


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