Standing with Moey

You may have recently seen one of LandWatch's employees in the news, but not for our usual advocacy for Central Oregon's natural resources. Our Urban Planning Director, Moey Newbold, came forward with a difficult personal story that you can read here.

To LandWatch staff, board, and supporters, as well as others in the Central Oregon community, Moey is a respected colleague, a formidable advocate, and a trusted friend. We stand in strong support of her.

As an organization, we are committed to pursuing a more just society through community and environmental advocacy. This means not only being supportive of Moey who was brave enough to come forward with her story, but also acknowledging those people who feel they must stay silent to protect themselves from retaliation.

Thank you for your support during this challenging time. We are continuing our work to protect what we all love most about Central Oregon.

Paul Dewey
Executive Director, Central Oregon LandWatch

Read my letter on the subject here.


Job Opportunity: Development and Engagement Coordinator (part-time)


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