Shaping Our City: UGB Update
The process to develop Bend's next Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) is now at the refinement stage. Central Oregon LandWatch continues to advocate for a limited expansion to prevent urban sprawl, protect wildlife habitat, encourage cost-effective growth, and develop range of housing options that provide for affordable housing.
This Wednesday, January 20th, the Boundary TAC will meet to discuss where to place additional acres outside the current boundary. There has been a push by the developers who own land around Bend to include more of their property.
The potential for the UGB to extend closer toward Deschutes National Forest and other natural features such as Tumalo Creek and Shevlin Park calls for a careful consideration of how that land is developed.
We are concerned about houses replacing habitat for deer, elk, and other wildlife in this biologically diverse area.
We are also concerned about the risk of wildfire. If homes are to be built in the so-called "fire plain," they should be spaced appropriately, and taper out to lower densities at the edges of the forest.
Bend UGB Expansion Scenario 2.1C Map
Central Oregon LandWatch is working with Brooks Resources and others to address these concerns. We believe that urban-level density should be concentrated around the city's core and near community centers such as schools. Density should taper as the City nears the forest in order to protect homes from wildfire and preserve wildlife habitat.
Boundary TAC meeting
Wednesday, January 20th
9am - 12:30pm
555 NE 15th St.
Bend, OR
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