Central Oregon LandWatch has a strong track record, grounded in a decades-long commitment to defending Oregon’s land use laws in our region.

Our region is known for its beautiful forests and deserts, springs, and rivers. It is appreciated for its fish and wildlife. We celebrate our vibrant and connected communities.

The result of our work is evident in Central Oregon’s continued livability and in the defining character of its wild lands. 

Using staunch policy advocacy, legal accountability, land use planning, and community outreach, Central Oregon LandWatch has been at the forefront in defending our region’s waterways, wildlife, farms, and forests.



Since 1985, Central Oregon LandWatch has played a vital role in protecting the region’s land, water, and wildlife.

Our dedicated staff and members have:

Kept Whychus Creek Flowing

LandWatch stopped the piping of Whychus Creek and the clear-cutting of its banks.

Stopped a Timber Theft

LandWatch’s Founder Paul Dewey exposed and put a stop to one of the largest timber thefts in history in the Deschutes and Ochoco National Forests.

Protected the Metolius River Basin

LandWatch led the charge to create permanent protections for the Metolius River Basin, culminating in the designation of the region as Oregon’s first Area of Critical Concern.


Limited Sprawl

LandWatch successfully reduced sprawl by 70% and advocated for a permanent Western boundary, wildlife-friendly development, and smart urban planning in the City of Bend’s 2016 Urban Growth Boundary Plan.