All across Oregon, high-end residential and hospitality projects have driven land prices up, making it harder for family farmers, ranchers, and timberland managers to access land.
This legislative session, thanks to collective pressure from many farmland protection groups, including Central Oregon LandWatch, the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire will introduce a package of four bills to strengthen protections for Oregon’s agricultural and forest lands by closing the loopholes that have allowed luxury development on them.
Oregon State Senator Anthony Broadman and Central Oregon LandWatch staff discuss the 2025 Legislative session and LandWAtch’s priority bills and issues.
Have a burning land use question, want a general update on what LandWatch is up to, or just think we are cool and want to hang? Drop by anytime from 8:30 to 10 am to chat with Lorraine Murray from our Development Team and Lace Thornberg from our Communications Team.
Coffee from Backporch Coffee Roasters provided. No need to RSVP and feel free to bring a friend!
Signing up for a CSA is a great way to keep eating seasonally this winter while also providing local farmers with the resources needed to sustain our region’s food system.
The Museum at Warm Springs exists to preserve the culture, history and traditions of the three tribes — Warm Springs, Wasco and Northern Paiute — which comprise The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. It is located near just off Highway 26 in Warm Springs, Oregon.