Let’s Get Busy Building Infrastructure For Housing, Inside Our Urban Boundaries
Oregon’s cities have thousands of acres designated for residential use inside their urban growth boundaries (UGBs), but many of these lands lack some or all infrastructure or need upgrades – roads, sewers, water, sidewalks. House Bill 3031 will provide funding to build some of this key infrastructure. Join Central Oregon LandWatch in urging key legislators to support this measure.
Who Your Comments Will Go To:
House Committee on Housing and Homelessness
What You Are Requesting:
Support for HB 3031, which requires the Housing and Community Services Department to study housing.
How to Submit Comments:
Through the Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS)
Fill out the relevant submission fields:
For “Position on Measure,” select “Support”
For “Submit text or upload a PDF,” choose “Text Testimony”
Priority Deadline for Comment: Before 1 pm on Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Final Deadline for Comment: Before 1 pm on Friday, February 28, 2025
Copy the sample testimony text below, then click on the Submit Testimony button at the bottom of this page.
On the legislative system’s page, you can personalize your testimony, adding in any direct experience with this topic.
Dear Chair Marsh, Vice-Chairs Andersen and Breese-Iverson, and Committee Members,
Greetings from ____________!
I am writing today to ask you to support HB 3031.
Nearly every city in Oregon – large and small – has land the community has already decided is good for housing, yet no homes have been built there because extensions or upgrades of water and sewer lines, local roads, and sidewalks are expensive.
Decades ago, this infrastructure was commonly funded by federal, state, and local funding sources, but those have significantly dwindled. This long-term underinvestment has negatively impacted building the housing Oregonians need.
Housing advocates, builders, cities, and organizations that I support all agree that investing in these lands is one of the most important steps the state can take now to unlock parcels within our cities to quickly produce the housing we need, where we need it to be, including places located closer to schools, parks, and stores.
With many priorities before us, I hope you will quickly pass HB 3031.
Thank you for your consideration! I appreciated this opportunity to weigh in.
When you are ready to add your comment, head here: