For Central Oregon’s Livable Future
Defending our Farms, Forest, and Waters. Creating Complete Communities.
Upcoming Events
Appreciate Central Oregon
Enabling sprawl on our agricultural, forest, rural lands, and public lands is not the Oregon way
Join Central Oregon LandWatch in opposing three bad bills that would allow sprawl on our agricultural, forest, and other rural lands, and even our public lands.
Have a burning land use question, want a general update on what LandWatch is up to, or just think we are cool and want to hang? Drop by anytime from 8:30 to 10 am to chat with Lorraine Murray from our Development Team and Lace Thornberg from our Communications Team.
Coffee from Backporch Coffee Roasters provided. No need to RSVP and feel free to bring a friend!
Keep The Haystack in mind for a sunny, mild winter day. This 20-mile gravel bike ride, described in detail on the Dirty Freehub website, travels from Peter Skene Ogden State Scenic Viewpoint, up to Haystack Reservoir, and down through the Crooked River National Grasslands.
Signing up for a CSA is a great way to keep eating seasonally this winter while also providing local farmers with the resources needed to sustain our region’s food system.